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Ethical Manifesto of Franco Mazzucchelli

Let's give the rivers their value back


We are aware that:

Rivers are the circulatory system of water on the planet;

They close the cycle of sun-triggered water, which carries the precious liquid on the mainland through

the evaporation of the oceans, where the rivers bring water;

The rivers carry fresh water, vital liquid for man, for animals and for the whole of nature;

All the largest cities in the world were born around the banks of a river or by the sea.



We must note that:

The rivers were not respected by the human settlements that polluted the waters making them dirty enough to become even forbidden to bathe in;

The fauna and flora of the rivers were almost completely disrupted and today the rivers drain into the

oceans tons of waste and toxic substances together with the water they carry;

The exploitation of hydroelectric energy often led to the diversion of the rivers’ couse or the construction

of dams that upset the territories and often caused environmental disasters.



We strive and urge the citizens of the world to engage in:

Directly and indirectly respecting the cleanness of the rivers, avoiding the discharge of any kind of waste

or polluting material in the rivers, on the shores and even in domestic water discharges;

Spreading and educating the culture about respect for river water;

Supporting direct actions to raise awareness among the institutions so that they promote laws that

prevent any form of river pollution;

Asking the institutions to allocate funds to build sewage treatment plants in cities before they are

reintroduced into rivers;

promoting political and cultural initiatives aimed at raising the world’s public awareness of the issue of river depollution and of environmental recovery projects;

Asking international entities (UN, UNESCO, etc.) that rivers acquire the same dignity of every place considered as a world heritage, sanctioning its total respect;

Promoting and supporting all cultural initiatives (education, events, projects, etc.) that will spread the

culture of respect for water courses around the world;

Realizing - in most of the world’s rivers - performances visible to citizens to arouse interest and

commitment to the ethical theme of the manifesto. and Franco Mazzucchelli.



Last Museal Projects


2024 | Il resto di niente, Museo Madre, Naples (Italy)


Mazzucchelli at museo Madre, Napoli, 2024. Photo Agnese Bedini and Alessandro Saletta, DSL STUDIO
Mazzucchelli at museo Madre, Napoli, 2024. Photo Agnese Bedini and Alessandro Saletta, DSL STUDIO


2024 | NEMO PROPHETA IN PATRIA, Padiglione Nazionale del Camerun - 60. La Biennale di Venezia, Italy



2023 | Centro Cultural Gilberto Mayer, Cascavel, Paranà, Brasile



2021-2022 | Aerodream. Architecture, design and inflatable structures, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris



2021 | QUADRERIA 2050, MACRO Museum, Rome



2021 | Aerodream. Architecture, design and inflatable structures, Centre George Pompidou, Metz (Francia)



2020 | Floating Utopias, Konsthall Lund, Lund (Sweden)



2020 | Museum for Preventive Imagination — EDITORIAL, MACRO Museum, Rome



2020 | ARTEOLOGIA - Oltre l'Etica, Archeological Museum of Vicenza (Italy)



2019-2020 | Time Is Thirsty, Kunsthalle Wien, Museumsquartier, Wien



2019 | Floating Utopias, ArtScience Museum, Singapore



2019 | Oltre l'Etica, Museu Paranaense, 14th International Biennale of Curitiba (Brasil)



2019 | Negative Space_ Trajectories of Sculpture, ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe (Germany)



2018 | ARTEOLOGIA, National Archeological Museum of Venice



2018 | Non ti abbandonerò mai, Franco Mazzucchelli, Azioni/Actions 1964-1979, Novecento Museum, Milan



2018 | Floating Utopias, nGBK Berlin




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