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Ethical Manifesto of Jorge R. Pombo

The law is equal for all


Given that:

art has no material function or is linked to primary needs and bases its strength precisely on this; it does not depend on anyone, nor on any material end, so it’s free and makes sense only when it’s created in complete freedom;

if it’s true that history is always written by winners, even if bad, this doesn’t apply to art;

Art is the only human creation that is written and created in history by the good ones, that’s why an inexorable sense of justice prevails in it;

the dynamics of international politics, conditioned by macroeconomics and not by art and culture, so far removed from social reality, hardly considers the consequences of the decisions that few take, but that concern the lives of the majority of people.



We are aware that:

today more than ever, in order to avoid the moral drift of humanity, we need justice;

the correct man always admits truth and truth is the complex of those moral arguments that can be changed in time and space without altering their validity and utility;

it is necessary to strive to look at our fellow men with an empathic and conciliatory attitude, leaving out all interest, to understand that we are all part of the same essence;

looking at others emphasizing what differentiates us is the beginning of the lack of identification that, always fueled by fear, leads to injustice.


We believe that:

to greater artistic sensitization, it corresponds to less aversion towards others and fewer conflicts between peoples or individuals;

art can’t stop bombs but it can educate and raise awareness until having a greater conscious that the death or the unjust punishment of an innocent is worth the same as that of our brother;

the rights of men are inviolable and innate and go far beyond the law and the state, as the German jurist Erich Kaufmann stated when he wrote “The state does not create rights, the state creates laws, and the state and the laws are under rights”;

it is not sufficient to be indignant in the face of injustice and to surrender to the power of the strongest, because demanding justice is always everyone’s duty, to have the strength to never lower your head, when power or simply the neighbor, acts by removing the rights of people, we must have the courage to not be silent, to accept the inconvenience of the action for the justice of one that is worth that of everyone.



We want to act:

through art to educate and sensitize visitors, with the goal of achieving greater awareness of the fact that lack of justice deprives people of freedom to grow in harmony and serenity;

with artistic representations, starting from the work of Tintoretto “Massacre of the innocents” (1582-87, 422 x 546 cm), that are a paradigm of injustice that responds to the interests of the few against the majority of men, to reflect on the complex of the most logical moral laws, valid in every place and at every time;

so as to enforce and pay attention to the rights of minorities, too often ignored and violated, to the detriment of the strong power that doesn’t scruple to break the axiom that stands in every court: The law is equal for all. Gallery and Jorge R. Pombo are committed through exhibition and educational projects to pursue the goal of increasing the desire for fair and guaranteed justice for all the people of the earth.


Verona, April 21st, 2017



Last Museal Projects


2024 | The New Last Judgement, Villa Da Porto Barbaran, Montorso, Vicenza (Italy)



2022 | Alem da Etica, Museum "De Arte de Blumenau". Blumenau, Brasil



2022 | RE-GENESIS - Sull'Orlo del Cielo, Museum Diocesano of Vicenza



2022 | The Times of Chimeras, National Pavilion of the Republic of Cameroon, 59. La Biennale di Venezia




2020 | ARTEOLOGIA - Oltre l'Etica, Archeological Museum of Vicenza (Italy)



2019 | TINTORETTO - POMBO, Maternity and Passion, Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice



2019 | Oltre l'Etica, Paranaense Museum, 14th International Biennale of Curitiba (Brasil)



2018 - 2019| TINTORETTO - POMBO, Passion and Justice, Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice



2018 | ARTEOLOGIA, National Archeological Museum of Venice




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